I Remember
I remember when this curious little being came
You made my heart burst with joy
I remember your little habits; put me off
chicken Korma for a time
I remember us both chuckling till it hurts
I remember the time you covered your face in
Two little eyes blinking out at me saying look
at me.
I remember telling you a tale
The curious case of the goosegog under the bum
fluff tree.
I remember the way you made me remember, what
we often forget as adults
The beauty of life and love all around,
Reconnecting with the great mother.
We danced with the green man once again.
I remember I could not stop crying when I saw
you in the school play
As proud a man you will ever see, that’s me.
I remember seeing your fantastic exam results
All that work you put in coming home to roost.
I remember you standing on picket line with me
You stood with me as scabs went bye
I remember the look on your face
When you watched me speak, in front of
You are my son, my inspiration.
I remember I called you my little fella
6 foot + but my little fella you will always
Thank you for bringing joy and hope
Into my world
My wonderful son Cameron
Martin Hickman©November 2014
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