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Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Hanging On

Hanging on

We are hanging on waiting. Waiting for the magical time of re awakening.

Waiting for that time when all stand up against the rising tide of hate.

Hate from both colours of Tory blue and Tory Red, Hate from the media, hate from lobotomised celebs. False accusations and claims from the ones with empty souls.

To fill their empty hearts all they have is hate. We are still hanging on for when the day comes. 

When the real giant leap of Humankind is taken, to a world of kindness.

Let’s not confuse the issue, it’s us hanging on v them Exploiting on. Get off your Knees, instead just of hanging on.

So get moving on, and make the ones exploiting on

End up hanging on a lamppost, Just like in old Giulino di Mezzegra back in 45. Let’s put things right instead of accepting what’s wrong.

Let’s make sure our children don’t inherit just hanging on. 

Martin Hickman©June 2022



Friday, 9 November 2018

The Inappropriate

The Inappropriate

Years fighting back have taken their toll
Told being compassionate is inappropriate.

The smug use of a word for the soulless and thoughtless
Mark down and discarded for thinking of others.

The march to a savage broken world well on the way.
The one shining light is the two that fill your heart with love.

You think so long as they are safe, perhaps it time for me to sleep.
I don't want to be a empty drone unthinking, un-feeling, a human robot.

My time it seems is done so perhaps its time I was gone
But then I think of my two and how would they do.

So perhaps I must go on. I'm sorry for thinking this way.
Even the the strongest have weakest of moments.

So perhaps the ones who think they know better
could perhaps let me know when I'm not inappropriate.

Perhaps I'll just take a break instead of being broken.
Dream a sweet dream were all cares for all.

Martin Hickman©November 2018

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Mind Scrape

You must conform.
You must not ask questions
You must become a drone.

They expect you to smile while your mind screams inside.
Day after day you get that can I have a word?
Your not good enough your this your that.

Your not systematic enough.
In that systematic cruel way they admire.
They put you on a special scheme.

They want you to have a real PAL
Your inappropriate being too compassionate to the vunerable.

Day after day monitored as if your a class A criminal
I guess being kind is Criminal to them.

Who are these de humanized creatures?
Don't let them scrape the love out of your mind.
Don't let them make a vacuum of your spirit.

Hold on to you. 

Martin Hickman©May2018

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas Moan

Christmas Moan

Here it is the season to pretend
Going out and drinking yourself sick.

Thinking you’re on the way to click
Eating dry Turkey and fart inducing sprouts.

Watching celebrity wannabes trying to pout
Spending all year paying for Christmas day.

Knowing you don’t have enough in your pay
You have eaten so much you really need two arses.

Another year of capitalist induced farces.

Merry Fucking Christmas

Martin Hickman©December 2016

Shadow Creatures

Shadow Creatures

They lurk in dark corners sucking away love
They inject the drug of hate in the unloved.

Unity and looking after, all gets them creeping around.
They plot and plan with the enemy’s of life.

Against an honest man they start a rumour.
With the help of the dark master the grand Aussie wizard.

Conjuring a lie to fool an entire population.
Smiling and plotting with friends of the war criminal.

They smile while hiding the knife, meant for the honest man.
One born every minute so they say or is it millions born to soak up a con?

Listen to them take it all in blind to the ruin of there own kids future.
They sneer at the ones they call do gooders,
Believing the hate and greed of the few.

The say a man of honour and principle is unelectable
Sensible policies from the corrupt and cruel is for your own good.

So lets be accomplices in driving us to the ultimate destination.
As the Shadow Creature lure us back to the place, from whence they came.

The Stone Age.

Martin Hickman©December 2016

My World

My world
Give me a warm summer’s day in the forest of dreams
Give me a land of pixies and elf’s and friendly smiles.

Give me a meadow of magic were animal’s talk and play
Give me a place were no one knows hate.

Give me a babbling brook were children smile, and laugh
The only tears are ones of joy.

Let’s dream a while of a place, were no one hates a difference.
Let’s wonder of a time of plenty fare shares for all.
Instead killing and stealing for the few.

Lets run in the woods with the Green man, in joyous union with all
Let’s swoon together in a world that cares for all.

Silly old fool I am to dream such dreams??


Martin Hickman©December 2016    

Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Butchers Shop Incident

We met outside the sewage works gate
You know the one down old Parkgate.

The aromatic atmosphere of the moment, and place entering our senses
You wore more make up than Billy Smarts Clown

You said “let’s get Romantic”
So I took us on for a Street Light, lit delight for two.

Pie & Peas supper washed down with a gallon of Sam Smiths best
You pushed me into the doorway, of that ancient butcher’s shop.

I felt like a submarine on an emergency dive
As conning tower plunged deep into bush country.

Mushy peas taking effect as you parted my hair
With a huge blast, from your ballast tank.

We were at it like two rabbits on the last day of spring
Then it happened caught by the lust police.

Bright Torch shining and blinding in our eyes
“Hello hello what’s all this then”? Said PC Plod

You panic and ran screaming pulling up your knickers
As you faded in the distance up old Stock lane.

I ran in the opposite direction un parting, the parting
Made by your farting.

One Romantic Night in Rawmarsh 

Martin Hickman©October 2016